A charming and entertaining show for kids aged 2-7, an animated series that combines fun, friendship, and a little bit of railway magic. With its gentle humour and relatable adventures, it’s a show that kids love—and parents secretly enjoy too!
A Star on the Tracks
The series stars Ernie, voiced by none other than football legend Gary Lineker. Full of vibrant characters and exciting stories. Some say it’s been compared to Thomas the Tank Engine, but apart from the talking trains, Ernie carves his own unique path.
Set in a world inspired by the London Underground, the International Underground network is both familiar and fantastical. From bustling platforms to daring tunnels, the show captures the spirit of train travel while weaving in plenty of imagination. Thanks to collaboration with Transport for London, the series even features the iconic roundel logo and designs that evoke the real-life Tube system.
Meet the Characters
The magic of Ernie’s world lies in its trains—each with their own distinct personality and charm. Get ready to meet:
- Bakerloo: The reliable and steady one, always ready to help.
- Victoria: Bright, spirited, and full of energy.
- Circle: The chatterbox who loves connecting everyone.
- Jubilee: A bit futuristic but always polished and on time.
- Hammersmith & City: The cheeky twin duo, always stirring up fun and a little mischief.
But it’s not just a London affair! The show introduces guest trains from all over the globe, such as:
- Paris: Chic and sophisticated.
- Brooklyn: Cool, casual, and full of big-city vibes.
- Moscow: Stoic but kind, with a soft spot for adventure.
- Sydney: Sunny and adventurous, always bringing Down Under energy.
- Osaka: Inventive and speedy, with a love for solving problems.
More Than Just Trains
The show’s charm lies in its ability to balance everyday adventures with valuable lessons about friendship, teamwork, and embracing diversity. Each episode focuses on relatable challenges, whether it’s finding a lost friend, tackling a tricky route, or learning to work together despite differences.
And while the International Underground is fictional, kids and adults alike will enjoy spotting nods to the London Underground’s design, from familiar station names to the distinctive Tube map colors. It’s a little slice of London life, wrapped up in a child-friendly package.
Why Kids (and Parents) Love It
- Easy to Follow: The stories are simple and engaging, making it perfect for younger viewers.
- Globally Inspired: With guest trains from around the world, it’s a celebration of international cultures and connections.
- Positive Messaging: Every episode subtly teaches lessons about kindness, patience, and the value of teamwork.
So, whether you’re a little train enthusiast or just looking for wholesome family entertainment, Ernie and the International Underground is the perfect ticket to a world of fun. All aboard!
- Official Underground Ernie website is no longer available
- The Wikipedia entry on it can be found here
- Link to the IMDB entry